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Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2015) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.6:534.83:623.443(048.8)
Technical mechanics, 2015, 2, 6 - 22
N. A. Konovalov, O. V. Pylypenko, A. D. Skorik, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk,
S. D. Ustinov
The paper presents information about the special features of designs of sound suppressors for small arms
without inner baffles and with profiling (longitudinal and transversal) the internal body surface.
One of the versions of the classification of sound suppressors for small arms is considered. The location of one-chamber (volume, baffle-free) sound suppressors is demonstrated therein.
The analytical and experimental data on an efficient operation of sound suppressors depending on the inter- nal volume value and the number of baffles are discussed.
The design and operation of patented sound suppressors with the profiled internal body surface are de- scribed in an orderly sequence.
Conclusions about the basic lines for profiling the inner surface of the sound suppressor body as a tool of an
improved efficiency of its operation are made
sound suppressor, profiling inner surface, improved efficiency
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Copyright (©) 2015 N. A. Konovalov, O. V. Pylypenko, A. D. Skorik, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk,
S. D. Ustinov
Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics
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