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Journal Issues
¹ 3 (2016) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 534.1:539.3 Technical mechanics, 2016, 3, 17 - 23 HIGH-SPEED STRAINING SANDWICH ELEMENTS UNDER CONTACT IMPACTS YU. S. Vorobiev, N. YU. Ovcharova
The work purpose is to analyze high-speed straining the sandwich elements at the elastoplastic stage under contact impacts. The element consisting of two thin layers from the titanium alloy and the inner ceramic layer is examined. The impactor is modeled as an elastoplastic body. The local impact results in variable straining by the time and spatial coordinates in a limited region Thus, each layer of the element is examined in the 3D statement. The simulation uses a dynamic version of the straining theory of plasticity, which takes into account the dependences of the stress intensities on the strain intensities and their rates. In so doing the dynamic properties of different materials for each layer are considered. The problem is a geometrically and physically nonlinear. The special features of the dynamic stress-strain state of all layers of the element are revealed using the finite element method. The results are used to improve the dynamic strength of the protective elements.
high-speed straining, elastic-plastic deformations, contact impacts, three-dimensional models, sandwich elements, numerical analysis.
1. Mossakovsky V. I. Contacts of Elements for Shell Structures (in Russian) / V. I. Mossakovsky, V. S. Hudramovich, Ye. M. Makeev. – Kiev : Naukova Dumka, 1988. – 288 p.
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