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Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2017) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 533.697:621.51 Technical mechanics, 2017, 2, 51 - 60 COMPUTATIONS OF STRESSED-STRAINED STATE OF COMPRESSOR RIM BLADE USING OPENFOAM NUMERICAL SIMULATION PLATFORM DOI: S. V. Melashich
S. V. Melashich
The now design of compressor rims requires a computational verification of strength characteristics using
the CAE systems such as ANSYS, NASTRAN, etc. Those computations do not abolish field tests, however, they
significantly increase the probability of satisfactory tests; due to the reduction of tests, costs and time for finetuning
are drastically cut. Similarly to strength computations, three-dimensional gas-dynamic ones play the role of
full-scale tests to finalize the design to the required parameters. Nevertheless, today’s tools for solving those problems
are mainly presented by commercial high-priced packaged programs. Also, it does not always happen that
they reveal models and algorithms incorporated. Thus, the results obtained are suspect for the designer. In addition,
the simultaneous solution of the above-mentioned problems is of considerable scientific and practical inter- est, resulting in significant design time cutting and the improved design efficiency. On this basis, the development
of scientific and methodic support for designing the compressor rim blades strength is topical. The scientific and
methodic support has been developed to solve simultaneously the problem of a numerical simulation of spatial
turbulent gas flows through compressor rims and the problem of the computation of the strength of the compres- sor rim blades. This software has been developed using solvers of the OpenFOAM library to compute the flow
field in the vane channel and a stressed-strained state of the blade. Solvers interact via the data communication
under boundary conditions. It is assumed that the change in the shape of the blade under the influence of the gas
flow can be neglected. The developed scientific and methodic support has been tested solving the problem of
interactions between the clamped beam and its streamlined flow. The results obtained agree satisfactorily with the
results of the solution of this problem using the standard icoFSIFoam solver, which is part of the branch of the
OpenFOAM extensions. The flow field in the vane channel of the axial compressor rim and the stressed-strained
state of its blade have been computed. A qualitative analysis of the obtained results demonstrates the applicability
of the developed scientific and methodic support. In the future, additional studies are assumed to conduct for
evaluating its efficiency and applicability with the use of the corresponding experimental data.
compressor rim, compressor rim blade, numerical simulation, stressed-strained state, FSI problem, Open FOAM, Navier-Stokes equations, von Mises stress.
1. Inozemtsev A. A. Gas Turbine Engines. Perm: OAO Aviadvigatel. 2006. 1202 pp. (in Russian).
DOI: Copyright (©) 2017 S. V. Melashich Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |