Journal Issues
¹ 3 (2016) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.78.533.6.013:621.45
Technical mechanics, 2016, 3, 77 - 86
T. A. Kovalenko
The results of the study of a bifunctional thrust- vector control system of a liquid rocket engine based on the combined use of the mechanical (engine swinging) and gas-dynamic (the gas turbine injection into the nozzle) control systems are reported. Various options of the control system to expand the control range, to increase the system reliability and reduce the energy consumption for the flight control of the space stage of the rocket are considered. The physical models of the processes in the nozzle when injecting the gas turbine are examined. The calculated ratio for determining the characteristics of the flow disturbance are proposed.
space stage of rocket, stage flight control, liquid rocket engine, bifunctional system of thrust-vector control, engine swinging, disturbance of supersonic flow through nozzle.
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