Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

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    From 1993 to 1997, the Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine published an interdepartmental collection of papers entitled Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika, which in September 1997 received the status of a scientific journal entitled Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika (in Russian) and Tekhnichna Mekhanika (in Ukrainian). In 2017, the institute was issued a new state registration certificate for the journal, in accordance with which the journal has the official English title of Technical Mechanics, may publish papers in English, and is entitled to international distribution.

Cover page of the journal since Issue 4, 2021 Registration certificate for the journal valid since March 15, 2017
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Cover page of the journal since Issue 2, 2017 Registration certificate for the journal valid since March 15, 2017
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Cover page of the journal from 1997 to Issue 1, 2017 Registration certificate for the journal that was valid from September 23, 1997 to March 14, 2017
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Journal title: Tekhnichna Mekhanika (in Ukrainian), Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika (in Russian), and Technical Mechanics (in English)
Foundation year: 1993
Scope: Theoretical and experimental studies in the kinematics and dynamics of elastoviscous systems and systems with liquid masses, fluid dynamics, heat and mass exchange, structural strength, and spacecraft dynamics
Abstracted in: Ukrainian abstract journal entitled Dzherelo (the city of Kyiv)
Indexed in: Google Scholar
ISSN (Print): 1561 - 9184
ISSN (Online): 2616 - 6380
State registration certificate:

Series KV No. 2922 of September 23, 1997

Series KV No. 22603-1250ЗPR of March 15, 2017

Included in the List of Ukrainian specialized scientific journals publications in which are taken into account for Ph.D. and D.Sc. conferring

Resolution of the Presidium of the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine No. 1-05/4 of May 26, 2010 (was in force till May 26, 2015)

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1021 of October 7, 2015 (with Revisions No. 996 of July 11, 2017)

Field of science:

engineering sciences

physical and mathematical sciences (liquid, gas, and plasma mechanics) till May 26, 2015

Frequency: 4 issues a year

Abstracts: Ukrainian, Russian, and English

Papers: Ukrainian, Russian, or English (since March 15, 2017)


National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Institute of Technical Mechanics

Publisher: Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
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