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Home > Journal Issues > ¹ 4 (2015) Technical mechanics > 6

UDC 622.73

Technical mechanics, 2015, 4, 72 - 84


N. S. Pryadko, N. D. Kovalenko, G. A. Strelnikov


      The research results of the development of a fine grinding theory and a technology for various materials obtained at the Institute of Technical Mechanics (ITM) of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine are classified. A principally new approach to the fine grinding research is based on the association of the acoustic process parameters with the kinetic and power parameters for decomposing and grinding. The development of a fine grinding theory provided the validity of some new regularities used as a basis for improving a technological process. In particular, it is found that the intensity of a new surface formation in fine grinding solid mineral resources is proportional to the consumed energy and reduces in reaching some critical product size caused by an increase in particles strength. It is shown that grinding kinetics of the close-cut size of material fractions in mixing does not depend on relationships of other fractions. In theory, it is proved that the final mill productivity in the closed grinding cycle is proportional to the presence of a more sized class than the control one. The maximal mill productivity with a control size class is provided with a limited quantity of a minimal possible product specific surface of the grinded product of a given size. New results in the fine grinding theory provided the base for use of information technologies of identification of fine grinding conditions to select optimal technological parameters for fine grinding with limited reference data. Pdf (English)


fine grinding, technology, specific surface, fineness of particles.

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1. Pryadko N. S. Modelled kinetics of fine grinding in grinding chamber (in Russian) / N. S. Pryadko // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2014. - No 2. - P. 93 - 100.

2. Ivanov A. M. Scientific Justification and Creation of Highly Efficient Grinding in Grinding Plant with Tube Mill Based on Selectivity Concept (in Ukrainian) / A. M. Ivanov // Abstract of Tech. Sc. Doctor’s Thesis for Speciality 05.17. 08 - Processes and Equipment for Chemical Technology. - NGU “KhPI”. - 2006. - 39 p.

3. Pilov P. I. Kinetics of grinding a mixture of fineness fractions (in Russian) / P. I. Pilov, N. S. Pryadko, Ye. V. Ternovaya // Zbagachennya Korysnykh Kopalyn. - 2014. - No 57(98). - P. 101 - 106.

4. Studies of or grinding velocities using different mills (in Russian) / N. S. Pryadko, G. A. Strelnikov, Ye. V. Ternovaya, V. A. Grushko, N. Yu. Pyasetskiy // Technicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2014. - No 3. - P. 114 - 121.

5. Pilov P. I. Decrease in power consumption in closed cycles of fine or grinding (in Russian) / P. I. Pilov, N. S. Pryadko // Metallurgicheskaya i Gorno-Rudnaya Promyshlennost. - 2013. - No 6. - P. 75 - 80.

6. Pryadko N. S. Imitation model of kinematics of fine material grinding (in Russian) / N. S. Pryadko, G. M. Saksonov, Ye. V. Ternovaya // Vestnik NTU “KhPI”. - 2014. - Issue 53 (1095). - P. 89 - 97.

7. Pryadko N. S. Simulation of jet grinding based on acoustic monitoring (in Russian) / N. S. Pryadko // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2012. - No 3. - P. 179 - 184.

8. Pryadko N. S. Acoustic and emission monitoring jet grinding (in Russian) / N. S. Pryadko // Tekhnicheskaya Diagnostika i Nerazrushayushchiy Kontrol. - 2012. - No 6. - P. 46 - 52.

9. Pryadko N. S. Acoustic Studies of Jet Grinding (in Russian) // LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing.-OmniScriptum GmbH&Co.Kg. - 2013. - Saarbrucken Germany. -172 p.

10. Pryadko N. S. Information technologies for controlling fine grinding (in Russain) / N. S. Pryadko, G. A. Strelnikov // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2014. - No 4. - P. 118 - 125.

11. Pryadko N. S. Optimization of fine grinding on the acoustic monitoring basis / N. S. Pryadko // Power Engineering, Control & Information Technologies in Geotechnical Systems. -Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2015. - Ð. 99 - 108.

12. Pilov P. I. Research of acoustic monitoring regularities in a jet grinding process / P. I. Pilov, L. J. Gorobets, N. S. Pryadkî // Archives of Mining Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences. - 2009. - Vol. 54 (2009), No 4. - Ð. 841 - 848.

13. Pivnyak G. G. Decrease of Power Consumption in Fine Grinding of Minerals / G. G. Pivnyak, P. I. Pilov, N. S. Pryadkî // Mine Planning and Equipment Selection C Drebenstedt and R. Singhal (eds), DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-02678-7_104@ Springer Interna-tional Publishing Switserland. - 2014. - P. 1069 - 1079.

14. Pryadko N. S. Technique for gas-jet bulk grinding (in Ukrainian) // Patent No 98182. Date of Patent : April 25, 2012, Bul. No 8, Application No a 201008111. Date of Application : January 10, 2012.

Copyright (©) 2015 N. S. Pryadko, N. D. Kovalenko, G. A. Strelnikov

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