Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 4 (2015): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 Оutstanding scientist in mechanicsViktor Vassilievich Pylypenko
Pylypenko O. V., Dovgotko N. I.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 3-22
  Abstract   Article
2 Development of burners for high-performance combustion of coal-water fuel
Pylypenko O. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 23-33
  Abstract   Article
3 Experimental investigations in flows of gas and gas-dispersion media relative to problems of improved energy efficiency of pipeline systems
Timoshenko V. I., Knyshenko YU. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 34-43
  Abstract   Article
4 Advanced sound suppressors for small arms
Pylypenko O. V., Konovalov N. A., Skorik A. D., Polykov G. A., Kovalenko V. I., Semenchuk D. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 44-65
  Abstract   Article
5 On the determination of specific work of coal crushing
Poshivalov V. P.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 66-71
  Abstract   Article
6 Development of theory and technology of fine grinding
Pryadko N. S., Kovalenko N. D., Strelnikov G. A.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 72-84
  Abstract   Article
7 Review of studies in creep theory conducted at institute of technical mechanics of the national academy of sciences of ukraine and state space agency of ukraine
Hudramovich V. S.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 85-91
  Abstract   Article
8 Nonlinear Oscillation of Free Surface of a Liquid into Horizontally Located Cylindrical Tank
Naumenko N. Ye., Sobolevskaya M. B., Sirota S. A., Nikolaev A. D., Bashliy I. D.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 92-102
  Abstract   Article
9 Special Features of Algorithm for Active Control of Hydrodynamic Status of Tanks of Launch Vehicle
Gorbuntsov V. V., Zavoloka A. N., Sviridenko N. F.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 103-116
  Abstract   Article
10 Interactions between Spacecraft and Flows of Plasma and Electromagnetic Radiation in Earth Atmosphere
Shuvalov V. A., Kochubey G. S., Lazuchenkov D. N.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 117-125
  Abstract   Article
11 Aerodynamic Systems for Removing Space Objects
Alpatov A. P., Paliy A. S., Skorik A. D.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 126-138
  Abstract   Article
12 Сomplex reflection coefficient determination using probe measurements
Pylypenko O. V. , Gorev N. B. , Doronin A. V., Zabolotny P. I., Kodzhespirova I. F.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 139-147
  Abstract   Article
13 Рrediction of changes in wheel profile of railway vehicle due to operational wear
Ushkalov V. F., Mokriy T. F., Malysheva I. YU., Bezrukavyi N. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 148-154
  Abstract   Article
14 Unstructured Grids and Their Applications to Numerical Simulation Using Test Particles Method
Smelaya T. G.
ТМ, 2015, № 4 , р. 155-168
  Abstract   Article

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