Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2018) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.76
Technical mechanics, 2018, 4, 5 - 20
Pylypenko O. V., Nikolayev O. D, Bashliy I. D., Dolhopolov S. I.
Pylypenko O. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Nikolayev O. D
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Bashliy I. D.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Dolhopolov S. I.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The steady trend towards the development of space stages capable of putting into orbit several spacecraft
with a single launch vehicle (LV) by multiple restarts of the stage sustainer engine in microgravity calls
for the solution of a complex of problems aimed at assuring the continuity of the liquid propellant components
in the propulsion system feed lines. The aim of this paper is mathematical simulation of dynamic processes
in the pro-pellant feed system of LV space stages to assess its operability in microgravity in passive flight
segments with an operating attitude control and stabilization system and at sustainer engine starts in periods
with minimum tank filling levels. To solve these problems, the authors developed a methodology based on the finite-element
method, the volume of fluid method, 3D CAE technologies, and the impedance method.
The paper presents mathematical models of dynamic processes in a liquid-propellant LV space stage pro-pulsion
feed system that has a capillary propellant management system. The mathematical models of spatial oscil-lations
of a LV space stage with a spacecraft developed with account for the design features of the in-tank devices
and propellant feed systems made it possible to determine the mode shapes and the motion parameters of the free
surfaces of the propellant components in the tanks (the oxidizer tank and the fuel tank) of the stage and identify
flight regimes potentially dangerous in terms of the possibility of the pressurization gas or the substituent gas
dissolved in the propellant components penetrating into the engine propellant lines. Quantitative estimates
of the propellant management device operability in these regimes were obtained.
The mathematical models of hydrodynamic processes in a space stage liquid propellant propulsion system presented
in this paper allow one to identify sustainer engine start conditions in which the pressurization gas may penetrate
in the engine propellant lines and determine the parameters of dynamic processes in a space stage feed system
at sustainer engine starts and cutoffs. The mathematical model of low-frequency hydrodynamic processes in a space
stage feed system at sustainer engine starts and cutoffs was tested using the results of experimental studies
(on water) of space stage sustainer engine cutoffs, and the calculated oscillation frequencies and ampli-tudes
were shown to be in satisfactory agreement with the experimental ones.
liquid-propellant launch vehicle, space stage, propellant management device, hydrodynamic processes in tanks, finite-element method, volume of fluid method, free surface of propellant components in tanks, mathematical simulation
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Copyright (©) 2018 Pylypenko O. V., Nikolayev O. D, Bashliy I. D., Dolhopolov S. I.
Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics
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