Journal Issues
No 1 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 532.528:621
Technical mechanics, 2024, 1, 16 - 25
Dolgopolov S. I.
Dolgopolov S. I.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The characterization of cavitating pumps of liquid-propellant rocket engines (LPRE) is an important
problem because of the need to provide the pogo stability of liquid-propellant launch vehicles and
the stability of liquid-propellant propulsion systems for cavitation oscillations. The development
of a reliable mathematical model of LPRE cavitating pumps allows this problem to be resolved. The
goal of this work is to determine the cavitation number and operating parameter dependences of the
coefficients of a lumped-parameter hydrodynamic model of LPRE cavitating pumps from their
theoretical transfer matrices obtained by a distributed-parameter model. The following coefficients
are found as a function of operating parameters: the cavitation elasticity, the cavitation
resistance, the cavity-caused disturbance transfer delay time, and the cavitation resistance
distribution coefficient. The last two coefficients are new in the hydrodynamic model of
cavitating pumps, and they were introduced when verifying the model using experimental and
theoretical pump transfer matrices. Analyzing the cavitation resistance distribution coefficient
as a function of operating parameters shows that it markedly decreases with increasing cavitation
number. This testifies to that the location of the lumped cavity compliance is shifted from the
mid position towards the pump inlet. Therefore, the assumption that the lumped cavity compliance
is located in the middle of the attached cavity regardless of the cavitation number is not
justified. The fact that the distribution coefficient as a function of cavitation number
intersects the abscissa axis near a cavitation number of 0.25 may indicate the boundary of
existence of attached cavities and thus the applicability boundary of the theoretical model.
The disturbance transfer delay time as a function of cavitation number sharply increases at
cavitation numbers of about 0.05. At cavitation numbers of about 0.25, it is close to a constant.
liquid-propellant rocket engine, inducer-equipped centrifugal pump, cavitation, hydrodynamic model, transfer matrix
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Copyright (©) 2024 Dolgopolov S. I.
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