Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2016) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.6: 534.83: 443 (048.8)
Technical mechanics, 2016, 2, 7 - 15
O. V. Pylypenko, N. A. Konovalov, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk
The goal of the study whose results are presented in the paper was to develop a new sound suppressor for
small arms using a periphery labyrinth-vortex profile for diverting the gases.
Distributions of powder gases flows within this sound suppressor when shooting are examined. The special
features of schemes of solutions are presented, and the design of inner components is described based on the
effects on the operational effectiveness in relation to their modifications.
Specifications of the sound suppressors developed are presented resulting in their compact form and reli- ability, highly efficient silencing the report comparing well with the foreign counterparts.
Inferences about an appropriate use and the prospects of the development of new sound suppressors with
the periphery labyrinth-vortex profile for diverting the gases are made.
sound suppressor, periphery labyrinth-vortex profile for diverting
gases, report silencing.
1. Sound suppressor for sniping weapon (in Russian) / N. A. Konovalov, O. V. Pylypenko, Ye, O. Pugach,
A. D. Skorik, A. N. Avdeev // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2010. - No 2. - P. 52 - 61.
2. Characteristics of thermogasdynamic process at outlet of sound suppressor for small arms (in Russian) /
N. A. Konovalov, O. V. Pylypenko, G. A. Polyakov, A. D. Skorik, G. A. Strelnikov // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika.
- 2012. - No 3. - P. 64 - 78.
3. Thermogasdynamic processes through sound suppressors for small arms (in Russian) / N. A. Konovalov,
O. V. Pylypenko, G. A. Polyakov, A. D. Skorik, A. D. Chaplits // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2012. - No 4. - P. 13 - 26.
4. Golub V. V. Pulse Supersonic Jet Flows (in Russian) / V. V. Golub, T. V. Bazhenova; Edited by V. Ye. Fortov ;
United Institute of High Temperatures, RAS. - Moscow : Nauka, 2008. - 279 p.
5. Processes of Acceleration of Supersonic Flows through Channels (in Russian) / O. V. Guskov, V. I. Kopchenov,
I. I. Lipatov, V. N. Ostras, V. P. Starukhin. - Moscow : FIZMATLIT, 2008. - 168 p.
6. Patent for Invention 108783 Ukraine, Int. Cl. F41A 21/20. Sound Suppressor for Small Arms (in Ukrainian) /
Konovalov M. A., Pylypenko O. V., Skoryk O. D., Semenchuk D. V., Kovalenko V. I. ; applicant and patentee
ITM, NASU&SSAU. - a 2013 10602 $ filed 02.09. 2013 ; published 10.06. 2015, Bulletin No 11. - 8 p.
7. Patent for Utility Model 125323 RF, Int. Cl. F 41 A 21/30. Moderator of Report (in Russian) / Marnov A. Yu.,
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; filed 19.06.2102 ; published 27.02.2103, Bulletin No 6. - 11 p.
8. European Patent 0107273, Int. Cl. F41C 21/18, F41F 17/12. Firearm Silencer and Flash Attenuator / Walsh Jr,
Donald J. ; Applicant: Walsh, Jr, Donald J. - 83304101.0 ; filed 18.07.1983 ; published 02.05.1984, Bulletin
No 84/18. - 25 p.
9. Patent US 2012/0272818 USA, Int. Cl. F41A 21/30, B23P 15/00. Suppressor with Crenelated Front / Barry W.
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filed 25.10.2011 ; published 01.11. 2012. - 32 p.
10. Patent for Invention 109381 Ukraine Int. Cl. F41A 21/30 (1/2006). Sound Suppressor for Small Arms with
Spherical Baffles (in Ukrainian) / Konovalov M. A., Pylypenko O. V., Skoryk O. D., Kovalenko V. I., Pikhotenko
S. V, Yakovlev O. A .; applicant and patentee ITM, NASU&SSAU. - a 2014 10885 ; filed 06.10. 2014 ;
published 10.08. 2015, Bulletin No 15. - 8 p.
11. Development and full-scale tests of sound suppressors for small arms with spherical baffles (in Russian) / N.
A. Konovalov , O. V. Pylypenko, A. D. Skorik, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk, S. P. Mikhaylov //
Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2015. - No 1. - P. 3 - 14.
12. Advanced designs of sound suppressors for small arms (in Russian) / O. V. Pylypenko, N. A. Konovalov,
A. D. Skorik, G. A. Polyakov, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. - 2015. - No
4. - P. 44 - 65.
Copyright (©) 2016 O. V. Pylypenko, N. A. Konovalov, V. I. Kovalenko, D. V. Semenchuk
Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics