Journal Issues
¹ 1 (2017) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.5
Technical mechanics, 2017, 1, 26 - 39
S. V. Khoroshilov
S. V. Khoroshilov
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The study objective is to synthesize a motion controller for an ion-beam shepherd with respect to space de- bris object during its contactless de-orbiting. It is assumed that the control system has sensors for measuring the
shepherd attitude with respect to space debris. Hydrazine thrusters with thrust pulse-width modulation have been
used as actuators of the control system. The robust controller was synthesized using the mixed sensitivity method.
It provides a necessary compromise between a robust stability, the control quality and expenses considering spe- cial impacts of an ion beam, external disturbances, errors in the determination of the relative position, and the
imperfection of the reactive actuators. Requirements for the synthesized controller are specified in the frequency
domain by using the selected weighting functions. The synthesis results are validated by the computer simulation
using the nonlinear mathematical model taking into account a wide range of orbital perturbations acting on the
ion-beam shepherd, space debris object, robust controller, mixed
sensitivity method, weighting function, disturbances.
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