Journal Issues
¹ 3 (2018) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.9
Technical mechanics, 2018, 3, 33 - 42
Shuvalov V. A., Kulagin S. N., Tsokur A. G., Kuchugurnyi Yu. P., Reznichenko N. P., Nosikov S. V.
Shuvalov V. A.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Kulagin S. N.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Tsokur A. G.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Kuchugurnyi Yu. P.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Reznichenko N. P.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Nosikov S. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
This paper briefly overviews the results of the investigations into problems of physical simulation of space-craft
– ionospheric plasma interaction and spacecraft exposure to a complex of space factors conducted at the Department
of Ionized Media Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine.
Physical simulation is an efficient means to reproduce the spectrum of the basic processes and phenomena that
accompany the spacecraft operation in orbit and are initiated by exposure to the complex of space factors,
especially to hypersonic rarefied plasma and atomic oxygen flows and solar ultraviolet radiation. To simulate
the spacecraft operation conditions in the ionosphere at altitudes of 150 km to 40,000 km, a plasmaelectrodynamic
setup was developed and made. The setup combines the properties of a plasma wind tunnel and a vacuum anechoic
chamber. The setup served to conduct investigations as part of scientific programs and the development and
operation of a number of space hardware products. The distortion of radio reflections from spacecraft structural
elements by artificial plasma formations was studied. Processes of radiative electrization of spacecraft structural
components were studied. Techniques were developed for accelerated life tests of polymer and composite materials
under exposure to atomic oxygen flows and vacuum ultraviolet radiation. Physical simulation based on accelerated
life tests allows one to reproduce the conditions of a long-term spacecraft operation: the behavior and degradation
of the electrophysical, thermooptical, energy, and mass-and-dimension characteristics of spacecraft structural
materials and coatings. Solar battery exposure to the complex of near-satellite environment factors, which results
in power loss and a shorter life, was simulated. The resulting spacecraft material property and system
operation degradation rate vs. space factor exposure time relationships allow one to predict the spacecraft
material, structural component, and technical system state at any time during the spacecraft operation and
may be used at the spacecraft design stage.
spacecraft, ionosphere, plasma, physical simulation, plasmaelectrodynamic setup
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17. Shuvalov V. A, Lazuchenkov D. N., Gorev N. B., Kochubei G. S. Identification of seismic activity sources on the subsatellite track by ionospheric plasma disturbances detected with the Sich-2 onboard probes. Àdvances in Space Research. 2018. No. 61. Pp. 355-366.
Copyright (©) 2018 Shuvalov V. A., Kulagin S. N., Tsokur A. G., Kuchugurnyi Yu. P., Reznichenko N. P., Nosikov S. V.
Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics