Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 3 (2016): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 For the 80th anniversary of the birth of Corresponding Member of NASU Vadim Sergeevich Hudramovich
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 3
  Abstract   Article
2 Methodology for selecting rational material distribution for structural thin-walled elements
Hudramovich V. S., Dzyuba A. P., Selivanov Yu. M.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 7-16
  Abstract   Article
3 High-speed straining sandwich elements under contact impacts
Vorobiev Yu. S., Ovcharova N. Yu.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 17-23
  Abstract   Article
4 Special features of effects of sizes of gas-dispersive flow particles on their interactions with channel walls
Timoshenko V. I., Knyshenko Yu. V., Shcherbakov V. I.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 24-34
  Abstract   Article
5 Aerodynamic optimization of spatial form of impeller blade of supersonic compressor stage
Kvasha Yu. A., Zinevich N. A.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 35-42
  Abstract   Article
6 Сomplex reflection coefficient determination by microwave interferimetry using two electrical probes
Pylypenko O. V. , Gorev N. B., Doronin A. V., Kodzhespirova I. F.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 43-50
  Abstract   Article
7 System for contactless removal of space debris from near-earth orbits using aerodynamic compensator
Alpatov A. P., Svorobin D. S., Skoryk O. D.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 51-56
  Abstract   Article
8 Oscillations of small space tether system exposed to aerodynamic moment
Maslova A. I.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 57-67
  Abstract   Article
9 Analysis of capabilities of national information market for remote sensing at high resolution as to 2015
Astapenko V. N., Marchenko V. T., Sazina N. P., Khorolsky P. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 68-76
  Abstract   Article
10 Bifunctional system of thrust-vector control of liquid rocket engine with turbine gas injection into nozzle
Kovalenko T. A.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 77-86
  Abstract   Article
11 Conditions of optimal trajectory of vehicle motion when locating sensors in zone of emergency
Lysenko A. I., Tachinina Ye. N., Chumachenko S. N.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 87-93
  Abstract   Article
12 Analysis of calculated disturbances for studying horizontal dynamics of freight car
Lapina L. G.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 94-103
  Abstract   Article
13 Selection and validation of rational method of improvement in effectiveness of anti-riot water can-nons
Sviridenko N. F., Kremena A. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 104-113
  Abstract   Article
14 Entropy models of self-recovery systems
Zabolotnyi P. I., Pozhidaev V. F.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 114-119
  Abstract   Article
15 Motion of rotor at rundown under special conditions of summands of total moment of rotational drag
Taran N. A., Trubitsin M. N.
ТМ, 2016, № 3 , р. 120-132
  Abstract   Article

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