Journal Issues
No 1 (2020) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.7+531.3+532.6
Technical mechanics, 2020, 1, 42 - 55
Gorbuntsov V. V., Zavoloka O. M.
Gorbuntsov V. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Zavoloka O. M.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The aim of this paper is to elaborate a discrete event approach to the development of a methodology for the
design of an onboard active system of goal-oriented efficiency support (OASGOES) for a rocket. Materials
and methods: OASGOES discrete event models. Results and discussion. A typical model problem is formulated
concerning active support of rocket goal-oriented efficiency, which provides for the detection and
localization of failures (unforeseen malfunctions) of rocket systems and assemblies. The OASGOES
must: (1) detect and localize failures with a required accuracy and as early as possible (before the
failures pose major problems for the rocket operation), (2) alter the algorithm of the rocket flight
control system, i. e., adapt the algorithm to the rocket operation under failure conditions so that
the flight control system may continue to accomplish the control objectives and, as far as possible,
provide optimal control, and (3) implement supervisory control by generating an optimal sequence
of active control actions that restrict the behavior of the rocket and thus continuously keep it within
the admissible state region. The paper discusses possibilities of OASGOES design with the use of discrete
event simulation (DES) algorithms, which rely on the notions of observability, diagnosability, and
supervisory control in discrete event systems. The proposed approach is illustrated by solving, with
the use of methods of the algebraic dioid theory, the model problem of organization of a cyclic
inspection of two rocket assemblies taking into account the required synchronous operation of the
relevant blocks of the structural health monitoring system. Conclusions. It is expedient to use the
discrete event approach in the development of a methodology for OASGOES design. The DES basic advantage
is freedom from a detail simulation of the system under consideration.
active control system, algebraic dioid theory, failure detection and localization, discrete event simulation,
diagnosability, rocket, goal-oriented efficiency support, supervisory control
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Copyright (©) 2020 Gorbuntsov V. V., Zavoloka O. M.
Copyright © 2014-2020 Technical mechanics
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