Journal Issues
No 1 (2020) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.78
Technical mechanics, 2020, 1, 56 - 66
Lapkhanov E. O.
Lapkhanov E. O.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The development of hybrid deorbit means for used spacecraft is a promising line in the elaboration of space
debris mitigation technologies. The main objective of this line is a search for optimal solutions in the
development of new means for spacecraft removal from near-Earth orbits with account for certain operating
limitations on the use of existing deorbit systems. So the advantage of hybrid deorbit means lies in
broadening the scope of application of modern deorbit systems by combining certain technical features
of each of them when developing a new system.
One of the lines in the development of hybrid means for space debris deorbit is the development of
aeromagnetic deorbit systems for removing used spacecraft from low-Earth orbits. This class of systems
features the possibility of controlled deorbit when using aerodynamic flat sailing elements. The control
objective is the angular stabilization of a flat aerodynamic element perpendicular to the incident
atmospheric flow. . Studies have shown that this stabilization of a flat sailing element increases the
aerodynamic drag by 20–40 % and reduces the deorbit time by 25–30 % as compared to nonoriented deorbit,
which broadens the scope of application of aerodynamic sailing deorbit systems. In aeromagnetic deorbit
systems, the control actuators are magnetic attitude control systems (MACSs). The main criterion for the
MACS effectiveness in a particular mission is a minimum of onboard power consumption. This may be achieved
by using permanent-magnet actuators or spacecraft electromagnets (magnetorquers) in the rough stabilization
mode. In its turn, in the rough stabilization mode the onboard power consumption is minimized when using
time-shared control methods for the magnetorquers and a nonlinear discrete control law for the
permanent-magnet actuators.
The aim of this paper is to develop methodological foundations for the use of permanent-magnet actuators
and magnetorquers in the attitude control of used spacecraft with aeromagnetic deorbit systems. The paper
makes an analytical comparison of the use of permanent-magnet actuators and magnetorquers depending on the
spacecraft design features, mass, size, and energy characteristics and presents an algorithm of MACS
choice for spacecraft of various classes equipped with aeromagnetic deorbit systems.
aeromagnetic deorbit system, magnetic attitude control systems, spacecraft, deorbit
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