Journal Issues
No 1 (2023) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.78
Technical mechanics, 2023, 1, 54 - 67
Fokov A. A.
Fokov A. A.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Recently considerable attention has been paid to the problem of estimating the pose of an on-orbit service
object. Determining the pose at a close distance still remains an open line of research, especially for
non-cooperative objects (targets) of on-orbit service. The goal of this work is to overview the state of
the art in the problem of determining the relative motion parameters of on-orbit service objects with
emphasis on close proximity operations with non-cooperative and unknown targets. The method employed is
the analysis of publications devoted to this problem over the last decade. The analysis showed the
following. Determining the pose of a non-cooperative orbital object using video systems is a classical
approach due to the advantages of light weight and low power consumption. Video camera based pose
estimation algorithms usually require prior knowledge of the target features. The main methods of pose
estimation still involve approaches based on the recognition and correspondence of image features for
consecutive frames or with a target model. Another major approach to pose determination is lidar
navigation, where the recognition and correspondence of features based on lidar-derived target surface
point clouds are also common methods. Recently, a trend has emerged towards the development of
non-feature methods for target pose determination, including unknown targets. The three-dimensional
nature of lidar point cloud data is favorable for target pose estimation without any target model. As
to the applicability of target pose estimation methods to an unknown target, the implementation of the
obvious approach based on constructing a three-dimensional model of the target by processing a series of
its images prior to estimating its spatial motion takes a lot of time, which is critical in close
proximity operations. The trend in target pose estimation is the development of methods for simultaneous
estimation of the pose and shape of an unknown object. In general, the case of an unknown object has not
yet been fully investigated.
pose determination methods, on-orbit service, non-cooperative object, unknown object,
methods based on object image features, non-feature methods
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Copyright (©) 2023 Fokov A. A.
Copyright © 2014-2023 Technical mechanics
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