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Journal Issues
№ 2 (2016) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 533.6:629.7 Technical mechanics, 2016, 2, 44 - 54 COMPUTATIONS OF COOLER DISCHARGE FROM HEAT-STRESSED CHANNELS YE. L. Tokareva
The fundamentals of a procedure for a discharge of a two-phase heat carrier from the drain channels of heat
exchangers that heat up to the temperatures exceeding the boiling point of the heat carrier are presented. The
procedure considers a state of aggregation of the heat carrier and a configuration of the drain hole when damaging
the drain holes. The parametric analysis determining the form of the drain hole is carried out by the analytical
formula that approximate the tabular data with a high degree of accuracy.
The procedure was used for a numerical study of the thermohydrodynamic parameters of the cooler while
draining the heat-stressed cooling channels of the specific liquid-rocket engine. The study results demonstrated
that the procedure reflects accurately the physic processes through a cut-off drain cavity of the oxidizer passage
with engine stopping. The time characteristics derived are close to the characteristics measured during the flight
tests of a simulated object.
The method of division of a computational domain and the major computational elements for digitizing a
simulated object can simulate any heat exchanger. The procedure can be used to compute the discharge of a two- phase fluid through heat exchangers for a wide range of the power plants with a various degree of complexity
power plants, discharge of two-phase heat carrier, numerical simulation.
1. Idelchik I. Ye. Handbook of Hydraulic Resistances (in Russian) / I. Ye. Idelchik. - Moscow : Mashinostroyenie,
1975. - 559 p.
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