Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2017) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.78
Technical mechanics, 2017, 4, 49 - 54
O. S. Paliy
O. S. Paliy
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The aim of this paper is to develop a classifier of aerodynamic systems for low Earth orbit space hardware deorbiting. Aerodynamic deorbiting systems are classified. A coding scheme for systems of this type is proposed. The classification performed and the proposed coding scheme have made it possible to develop a classifier that can be used in the automation of the aerodynamic system design process. In the classifier, the features mainly relate to the shape, shaping, and various modifications of an aerodynamic element that directly interacts with the incident flow of the rarefied atmosphere.
space debris, classifier of aerodynamic deorbiting systems, classification principle, classification features.
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Copyright (©) 2017 O. S. Paliy
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