Journal Issues
No 1 (2020) Technical mechanics
UDC 658.345:629.78.08
Technical mechanics, 2020, 1, 67 - 75
Poshyvalov V. P., Daniiev Yu. F., Reznychenko L. V., Telehina I. I.
Poshyvalov V. P.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Daniiev Yu. F.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Reznychenko L. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Telehina I. I.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
This paper considers possible approaches to the solution of problems of space hardware reliability assurance
at the design stage.
It is shown that in the reliability design of space hardware one must take into account the service loads on
the basis of prescribed strength norms and other design norms, which are realized together with the rules
of acceptance, operation, inspection, maintenance, and recovery. Design studies of space hardware reliability
must assure specified reliability indices under existing restrictions.
A procedure of choosing the reliability indices of a space hardware object and components thereof is considered.
It is shown that one can use two approaches to justifying the values of reliability indices. One approach
(demand) consists in assuring a certain minimum reliability level. The other approach (possibility) consists
in assuring the maximum possible reliability indices of a space hardware object under specified or inherent
restrictions on cost (price, mass, volume, etc.), while keeping the required reliability level not lower
than that of its counterpart.
The paper characterizes approaches to assuring the reliability of space hardware at the design stage, which
include: successive solutions of reliability assurance and control problems at the design stage, a work
package on reliability standardization at the design stage, and the choice of reliability indices with
the justification of their values.
The proposed approach is illustrated by the example of reliability assessment for some launch complexes.
space hardware, launch complex, reliability indices, redundancy, maintenance, confidence probability, development, flight tests
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Copyright (©) 2020 Poshyvalov V. P., Daniiev Yu. F., Reznychenko L. V., Telehina I. I.
Copyright © 2014-2020 Technical mechanics
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