ISSN (Print): 1561-9184, ISSN (Online): 2616-6380

Home > Journal Issues > No 1 (2024) Technical mechanics > 7

UDC 539.3

Technical mechanics, 2024, 1, 66 - 82



Hart E. L., Semencha O. O.


Hart E. L.
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University

Semencha O. O.
Oles Honchar Dnipro National University


      Thin-walled plate-shell structures are widely used in various branches of technology and the national economy, in particular in the aerospace industry, the oil and gas industry, power engineering, construction, etc. The continuity of such structures is often disrupted by various inhomogeneities in the form of openings, inclusions, recesses, cracks, etc., which are local stress concentrators. Reducing the concentration of the stresses that develop in the vicinity of such structural inhomogeneities is an important problem in deformable solid mechanics. In particular, a pressing problem in the design of new equipment in modern mechanical engineering is a significant reduction in material consumption and an increase in the service life of cast parts taking into account the use of new materials and technologies. Such parts are responsible for the competitiveness of new equipment for various industries.
      This paper presents the results of a numerical simulation and analysis of the stress and strain field of thin-walled cylindrical and truncated conical shells with rectangular openings and tape inclusions around them. The material of the inclusions has properties that differ from those of the base material of the shells. The effect of the geometrical and mechanical characteristics of the inclusions on the parameters of the stress and strain field in the vicinity of the openings was studied by varying the elastic modulus of the inclusion material and the inclusion width. For definiteness, the inclusions were assumed to be homogeneous and located in the shell plane. The stress and strain intensity distributions in the zones of local stress concentration were obtained. The numerical results for shells of both shapes were compared with the corresponding results for shells with a circular opening. The study showed that the presence of a “soft” homogeneous tape inclusion helps in reducing the stress concentration around rectangular openings by ~ (21 – 54) % depending on the width of the inclusion and its elastic modulus, both in cylindrical and in conical shells. Unlike shells with a circular opening, in this case the presence of inclusions does not cause the mechanical effect of shifting the stress concentration zone from the contour of the opening to the interface between the materials.
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thin-walled cylindrical shell, thin-walled truncated conical shell, rectangular opening, tape inclusion, stress and strain field, stress concentration factor, finite-element method

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Copyright (©) 2024 Hart E. L., Semencha O. O.

Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics

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