Journal Issues
No 4 (2019) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 621.5.042-521 Technical mechanics, 2019, 4, 81 - 91 MINIMIZING THE EFFECT OF INERTIA ON THE OPERATION OF UNITS WITH MOVABLE MEMBERS DOI: Sokol G. I., Onishchenko A. T., Nikiforova L. V., Molnar T. S., Savchuk V. M.
Sokol G. I.
Existing designs of automatic devices of pneumohydraulic systems (PGSs) are synthesized based on the
requirement of maximum design simplicity because device reliability decreases with increasing number
of components. So this factor assures reliability. The abandonment of design complification and the
adoption a wide range of system parameters are the basic principles of reliability growth in rocket
engineering. This approach to the design of units may be correct if there are no dynamic operating
regimes or dynamic inputs. Design simplicity leads to secondary dynamic effects, such as vibration
sensitivity, overloads, pressure shocks and pulsations, and feedback loop closing. Flying vehicle
PGSs feature high complexity, and each individual member of theirs has dynamic properties of its own.
High dynamic loads on a flying vehicle call for long-term and expensive work on accuracy and reliability
assurance. The design of automatic devices can be improved by reducing the sensitivity of the movable
system of a unit to external disturbances. In the improved design, the operating members of each unit
are connected by kinematic links into a system with one degree of freedom. The motion equations of the
operating members of all PGS automatics units have the same form and differ only in the form of the
functions that describe the forces acting on the operating members from the working medium flow. Hence,
the problem of the derivation of analytical expressions that describe the restrictions imposed on the
structure of units, the number of their movable members, the type of kinematic links between them, and
the mutual orientation of their work motions is solved. Account is taken of the fact that the disturbing
action of inertia produced in compound motions of the case of each unit is minimum. Kinematic diagrams
with movable member interconnections that meet the restrictions obtained are developed. The presented
developments are of importance in the design and calculation of rocket hardware.
rocket engineering, units, movable members, inertia, minimization
1. Gladky V .F. Flying Vehicle Strength, Vibration, and Reliability. Moscow: Nauka, 1975. 455 pp. (in Russian).
DOI: Copyright (©) 2019 Sokol G. I., Onishchenko A. T., Nikiforova L. V., Molnar T. S., Savchuk V. M. Copyright © 2014-2019 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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