Journal Issues
No 4 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.95
Technical mechanics, 2024, 4, 63 - 71
Yurkov B. V., Voronovskyi D. K., Tokmak M. A., Nosikov S. V.
Yurkov B. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Voronovskyi D. K.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Tokmak M. A.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Nosikov S. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
This paper considers the effect of the surface roughness of Kapton-H polyimide, a typical structural material
for the outer surfaces of spacecraft, on the drag coefficients of bodies with simple geometric shapes
(a sphere, a cylinder, and a cone). Kapton-H is a benchmark material used in testing polymers for resistance
to long-term exposure to the near-satellite environment. The Kapton-H roughness is low. However, during the
operation in very low Earth orbits (VLEOs), the roughness of polymers significantly increases. When polymers
interact with atoms and molecules of the near-satellite environment, their momentum and energy accommodation
coefficients change. As a result, the spacecraft component drag coefficients change too.
The need for studying the drag coefficients of rough bodies with simple geometric shapes stems from the
current trends in space research, in particular the need for a long operation of spacecraft in VLEOs at
altitudes from 170 km to 300 km, where spacecraft are exposed to hypersonic atomic oxygen (AO) flows with an
annual fluence from 1?10?? atoms O/cm? to 1?10?? atoms O/cm?. These conditions significantly affect the
service performance of spacecraft, especially those of the structural materials of their outer surfaces,
among which polymers play an important role. Exposure to atomic oxygen degrades polymer materials, which
manifests itself in changes in the surface structure, roughness, and erosion depth. This, in turn, leads
to changes in the aerodynamic and thermal characteristics and the processes of polymer surface – AO
In particular, changes in the surface roughness of materials change important parameters, such as the solar
absorptance and the AO-to-surface momentum and energy transfer coefficients. At the same time, these
coefficients depend on the AO fluence, the surface roughness, and the angle between the oxygen atom velocity
and the normal to the body surface. All these factors govern changes in the thermal conditions and aerodynamic
characteristics of spacecraft in VLEOs, which is crucial for a long-term spacecraft operation.
Changes in the drag coefficients and thermal conditions of spacecraft surfaces affect the service life of
spacecraft. The presented results are of practical importance in selecting polymer materials for spacecraft’s
outer surfaces at the design stage.
drag force coefficients, polyimide, roughness, spacecraft
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Copyright (©) 2024 Yurkov B. V., Voronovskyi, D. K. Tokmak M. A., Nosikov S. V.
Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics
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