Journal Issues
No 1 (2019) Technical mechanics
UDC 621.002.56
Technical mechanics, 2019, 1, 85 - 93
Pylypenko O. V., Doronin A. V., Gorev N. B., Kodzhespirova I. F.
Pylypenko O. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Doronin A. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Gorev N. B.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Kodzhespirova I. F.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The aim of this work is to choose a probe method for displacement measurement that could be modified
to account for the horn antenna reflection coefficient, which can hardly be neglected if the target–antenna
distance is large enough. Four methods were considered: a single-probe method in which the phase ambiguity
problem is resolved by using the fact that the target displacement and velocity are continuous time
functions, a two-probe method in which the target velocity is determined by differentiation
of the detector currents and then integrated to give the displacement, a two-probe method
in which the detector currents are differentiated twice to exclude the unknown magnitude of the target
reflection coefficient, and a two-probe method in which the target displacement is determined from
the quadrature signals using a phase unwrapping technique; as a result, the last-named method was
chosen. That method determines the magnitude and the wrapped phase of the complex reflection
coefficient of the target theoretically exactly for reflection coefficient magnitudes no greater
than 2-1/2. Because of this, the chosen method allows one to determine the complex reflection
coefficient of the horn antenna at the end of the waveguide section with the probes, whose magnitude
is rather small, from the detector currents measured with the horn antenna operating into a matched
load. The approach underlying the chosen method made it possible to express the quadrature signals,
which contain information on the distance to the target, in terms of the detector currents, the known
complex reflection coefficient of the horn antenna, and the unknown magnitude of the complex
reflection coefficient of the target and to derive an equation in the last-named. The results
obtained may serve as a basis for the development of probe techniques for displacement measurement
with due account for the horn antenna reflection coefficient.
complex reflection coefficient, displacement, electric probe, horn antenna, semiconductor detector, waveguide section
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Copyright (©) 2019 Pylypenko O. V., Doronin A. V., Gorev N. B., Kodzhespirova I. F.
Copyright © 2014-2019 Technical mechanics
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