Journal Issues
No 1 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 622.73
Technical mechanics, 2024, 1, 83 - 92
Ternova K. V., Priadko O. V., Muzyka L. V.
Ternova K. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Priadko O. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Muzyka L. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Mathematical approaches to particle size determination in closed grinding cycles are considered. The
features of average particle size calculation for different fractions with account for the grinding
kinetics are shown. Particle size calculation algorithms for the entire fraction range are proposed.
Particular attention is paid to output determination for fractions of arbitrarily small particles.
A particle size determination method based on a lognormal distribution function is shown. In
choosing the mathematical approach, the process requirements are taken into account.
The basis of in-flow noncontact particle size control is the acoustic monitoring of the process and
the established relationships between the particle size and the acoustic characteristics. The signal
amplitude during material transportation in the energy carrier flow and jet grinding was found as a
function of the particle size and grinding conditions. In order to determine the fractional
composition of a mixture, the frequency characteristics of acoustic signals and their variation
during the transportation of narrow fractions and mixtures were considered. The analysis of the
amplitude-frequency characteristics of acoustic signals during the compressed-air transportation of
narrow fractions in the jet mill channels confirmed the presence of signals with frequencies
characteristic for each fraction. These frequencies were experimentally related to the particle size
of a fraction in a mixture. These studies form a basis for a noncontact method of determining the
particle size distribution of a material in an air flow, in particular in jet grinding. The results
may be used for engineering and technological calculations in mineral dressing and the development
of process equipment for the chemical industry, construction, mining, and metallurgy.
distribution law, size grade, acoustic signal, frequency, dispersion
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Copyright (©) 2024 Ternova K. V., Priadko O. V., Muzyka L. V.
Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics
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