Journal Issues
No 3 (2022) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.9
Technical mechanics, 2022, 3, 91 - 98
Calculation of the ion current to a conducting cylinder in a supersonic flow of a collisionless plasma
D. N. Lazuchenkov, N. M. Lazuchenkov
D. N. Lazuchenkov
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
N. M. Lazuchenkov
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The diagnostics of low-temperature plasma flows using cylindrical probes is based on the classical
Langmuir relation for the ion current to a thin, in comparison with the Debye length, cylinder.
The aim of this work is to study the applicability of the Langmuir relation for a cylinder whose
radius exceeds the Debye length.
The interaction of a conducting cylinder with a rarefied plasma flow was simulated numerically.
The cylinder had a negative potential with respect to the plasma. Free molecular flow around the
cylinder was simulated on the basis of a two-dimensional system of the Vlasov–Poisson equations.
The electron-repulsing local equilibrium self-consistent electric field was calculated using the
Poisson–Boltzmann model in the approximation of local equilibrium electrons and taking into
account an electron sink on the cylinder surface in the central field approximation. The Vlasov
equations for ions and the Poisson–Boltzmann equations for the self-consistent electric field
were solved on nested grids by a finite-difference relaxation method with splitting by physical
processes and using the method of characteristics. The reliability of the calculated results was
confirmed by the solution of known model problems and a comparison with the results of other
authors and the results of solving identical physical problems with the use of different
mathematical models and methods.
The ion current to a cylinder placed transversely to a plasma flow was calculated as a function
of the cylinder potential, the ion velocity ratio, and the ratio of the characteristic dimension
of the cylinder to the Debye length. From the calculated results, numerical estimates were
obtained for the range of applicability of the classical Langmuir relation for the ion current
to a cylinder whose radius exceeds the Debye length. The results obtained may be used in the
diagnostics of supersonic flows of a low-temperature rarefied plasma.
rarefied nonisothermal plasma flow, transverse free molecular flow around a long circular cylinder, numerical simulation, system of Vlasov–Poisson equations, calculation of the ion current to a cylinder
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Copyright (©) 2022 D. N. Lazuchenkov, N. M. Lazuchenkov
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