Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2016) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.4:62-758.2
Technical mechanics, 2016, 2, 91 - 105
M. B. Sobolevskaya, S. A. Sirota, D. V. Gorobets, I. B. Telichko
Introduction of high-speed passenger traffic and retrofit of the rolling stock are priority lines of the evolution
of railway transport. A newly developed locomotive must have the passive safety system that in case of an
unavoidable collision provides the transformation of the impact energy into the mechanical work associated with
a plastic controlled deformation of the special energy-absorbing devices (EAD). This enables the crash impact to
be mitigated and lives of passengers and the train crew to be protected. The paper deals with the pressing problem
of the development of the EAD for a high-speed passenger locomotive based on the results of mathematical modeling
the EAD plastic deformation in non-standard impacts and the EAD full-scale impact tests (crash-tests) using
the EN 15227 European Standard. The paper presents the results of the crash-test of the prototype of the EAD box
type with cell packs conducted in the Test Center of TUV SUD Rail GmbH (Gorlitz, Germany). The Institute of
Technical Mechanics, NANU&SSAU developed the EAD design in cooperation with the MDS Design Production
Enterprise. This EAD design has been patented in Ukraine. The objective of the crash-test is to carry out experimental
investigations of a plastic deformation of the design under consideration in the impact, to derive the char- acteristics of the contact forces between the colliding bodies, to estimate the energy-intensity of the EAD prototype.
The paper describes scientific and methodical support developed. The results of a finite-element simulation
of the crash-test of the EAD prototype are reported. The finite-element model developed has been verified by
comparison with the predicted and experimental results using the criteria of the EN 15227 European Standard.
The accuracy of the results of numerical calculations made by scientific and methodical support developed has
been validated.
passenger train, crash collision, passive safety, energy-absorbing
device, crash-test, finite-element simulation.
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Copyright (©) 2016 M. B. Sobolevskaya, S. A. Sirota, D. V. Gorobets, I. B. Telichko
Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics