ISSN (Print): 1561-9184, ISSN (Online): 2616-6380

Home > Journal Issues > No 1 (2021) Technical mechanics > 11

Technical mechanics, 2021, 1, 101 - 108

Traits to the history of space-rocket hardware development

Drobakhin O. O.


Drobakhin O. O.


      These notes are based on the memories of Oleg. O. Drobakin (March 19, 1936 – January 4, 2014), which he told in his family circle. Part of them was published, but only partially, in [1 – 3]. Oleg O. Drobakhin was one of the leading designers of Yuzhnoye Design Office (SDO-586) and an Honored Worker of the Space Industry. He was awarded with the USSR Lenin Prize for the development of R-36M2 (15A18M) – the last modification of the missile complex known as Satan and with the State Prize of Ukraine in Science and Technology for the development of the Dnipro launch vehicle and decorated with the Order of the Badge of Honor for the development of R-36M (15A14) and with the Order of the Red Banner of Labor for the development of R-36M UTTKh (15A17), the first modifications of the Satan.
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1. Andreev L. V., Konyukhov S. M. MiIkhail Yangel. Lessons and Heritage. Dnipropetrovsk: ART-PRES, 2001. 522 pp. (in Russian).

2. Drobakhin O. I. Projects required by time. In: Budnik. His Life's Work. A. V. Degtyarev (Ed.). Dnipropetrovsk: ART-PRES, 2013. Pp. 265-269. (in Russian).

3. Drobakhin O. I. Participation in the USSR Inspection on Control over the Implementation of the Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. In: PhysTech-59. Embodied Vocation. Dnipropetrovsk, 2014. Pp. 339-348. (in Russian).

4. Drobakhin O. I. Materials to a lecture in the Central Research Institute of Machine Building dedicated to the M. K. Yangel's 95th birthday anniversary (from O. I. Drobakhin's personal archive). (in Russian).

Copyright (©) 2021 Drobakhin O. O.

Copyright © 2014-2021 Technical mechanics

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