Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2014) Technical mechanics
UDK 629.76
Technical mechanics, 2014, 4, 3 - 13
Pylypenko O. V., Degtyarev A. V., Zavoloka A. N., Kashanov A. E., Nikolaev A. D., Sviridenko N. F., Bashliy I. D.
The scientific and methodical support for the determination of the motion parameters
of the liquid-propellant components in the tanks of the launch vehicle space stage
when starting its cruise liquid rocket engine (LRE) under microgravity conditions
and low filling its tanks has been developed. The urgency of the problem is due
to the possibility of forming significant hydrodynamic "failures" at the interface
of phases of "propellant component and the pressurization gas" in starting the LRE
and the penetration of the fuel-tank pressurization gas into the LRE entrance in volumes,
which may well be intolerable from the point of view of the starting stability. The proposed
software is based on the finite element method and the method of the liquid volume as well
as the Computer-Aided Engineering technology (CAE systems). Taking into account the structural
features of the intratank space, the software allows the determination of the forms, geometric
characteristics and the motion parameters of the free liquid surface under dynamic loading
the space stage by the operating actuating devices of the attitude con-trol/stabilization
system in the passive flight; the identification of the starting regimes accompanied
by the penetration of the pressurization gas in the LRE fuel lines; the evaluation
of parameters of emerging free gas inclusions and their influences on the stability
of the engine start; the determination of the minimum volume of the fuel components
in the tanks of the stage, which provides their maximum use in "normal" operation
of propulsion of the space stage during its flight with multiple starts of the cruise LRE.
The proposed software creates the prerequisites for reducing experimental testing of upgraded
and newly created space launch vehicle stages and cutting the costs of these works.
space stage, propellant tank, propellant component, level of filling, cruise, microgravitation, free gas inclusions
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Copyright (©) 2014 Pylypenko O. V., Degtyarev A. V., Zavoloka A. N., Kashanov A. E., Nikolaev A. D., Sviridenko N. F., Bashliy I. D.
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