Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 4 (2014): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 Determination of parameters of gas and fluid structures forming in propellant components in starting the cruise engine of space stage with low filling its tanks
Pylypenko O. V., Degtyarev A. V., Zavoloka A. N., Kashanov A. E., Nikolaev A. D., Sviridenko N. F., Bashliy I. D.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 3-13
  Abstract   Article
2 Dynamics of spacecraft in design deployment of elastic structure of large dimensions
Zakrzhevskii A.Ye., Khoroshilov V. S.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 14-26
  Abstract   Article
3 Analysis of ways and models of deployment of space tethered systems
Khramov D. A.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 27-38
  Abstract   Article
4 On the statement of problem of optimization in design parameters of solid rocket engine
Senkin V. S.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 39-52
  Abstract   Article
5 Simulation of mechanical processes in systems and units of aerospace engineering products
Naryzhnyi A. G., Pavlenko V. N.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 53-64
  Abstract   Article
6 Simulation of emergency collision of passenger train equipped with passive safety system with obstacle
Naumenko N. YE., Khizha I. YU.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 65-74
  Abstract   Article
7 Numerical studies in effects of 3d location of high-speed vehicle related to track structure on aerodynamic characteristics
Prikhodko A. A., Arsenyuk M. S.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 75-84
  Abstract   Article
8 Motion sensing by a two-probe implementation of microwave interferometry
Pylypenko O. V.,. Gorev N. B, Doronin A. V., Kodzhespirova I. F.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 85-93
  Abstract   Article
9 Effects of intermediate thermo-mechanical treatment in creep on strength characteristics and microstructure of AMg6M alloy
Poshivalov V. P., Borshchevskaya D. G., Ryabchiy V. D., Telegina I. I.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 94-101
  Abstract   Article
10 Numerical simulation of dielectric barrier discharge in air
Redchits D. A.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 102-117
  Abstract   Article
11 Information technology of control of fine grinding
Dzenzersky V. A., Kuznetsova T. I., Radchenko N. A., Khachapuridze N. M.
ТМ, 2014, № 4 , р. 118-125
  Abstract   Article

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