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Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2014) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 629.7 Technical mechanics, 2014, 4, 14- 26 DYNAMICS OF SPACECRAFT IN DESIGN DEPLOYMENT OF ELASTIC STRUCTURE OF LARGE DIMENSIONS Zakrzhevskii A.Ye., Khoroshilov V. S.
The paper deals with the dynamics of the spacecraft, which carries an elastic variable-geometry
body, dur-ing the deployment of a compact system of the circular antenna type in accordance
with a given program. A re-search objective is to simulate mechanically and mathematically
the dynamic processes. Methods of analytical mechanics of bodies with non-stationary coupling
are used. Mechanical and mathematical models of the system under consideration are built,
a comprehensive numerical simulation of the deployment dynamics is made and the basic laws
of the spacecraft dynamics are derived. The numerical simulation was carried out considering
the theo-rem of changes in a total moment of momentum of the system. Similar problems
in the field of the spacecraft dynamics were not earlier investigated for various reasons.
They became actual with the advent of small space-craft, whose dynamics depends essentially
on the deployment of the carried transformable structures. The ob-tained results demonstrate
a method of the mathematical description of the dynamics of the system with a pro-gramably-changed
geometry and the behaviour of a real small spacecraft during the deployment of the large
elas-tic structure. Data of the numerical simulation allow the selection of parameters
of the practical deployment law.
spacecraft, circular antenna, deployment, dynamics
1. Zakrzhevskii A. Ye. Dynamics of deployment of pantograph gravitation stabilizer (in Russian) / A. Ye. Zakrzhevskii, V. S. Khoroshilov // Tekhnicheskaya Mekhanika. – 2011. – No 3. – P. 103 – 116.
Copyright (©) 2014 Zakrzhevskii A.Ye., Khoroshilov V. S. Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |