Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2014) Technical mechanics
UDC 625.032.4
Technical mechanics, 2014, 4, 65- 74
Naumenko N. YE., Khizha I. YU.
Rail incidents take place throughout the world. Constant improvement of precautions
does not alleviate problems of safe traffic. Because of this, the development
and creation of railway new-generation vehicles with efficient systems of passive
safety are notable problems in management of the high-speed traffic of passenger cars.
Mathematical modelling dynamic loads of the passenger car equipped with energy-absorbing
devices at ultra-normal collisions allows the estimation of designs at the stage
of the design and the conduction of numerical experiments without high capital expenses.
An emergency collision on a railway with 1520 mm gauge is simu-lated by the computer.
It is shown that it is essential to equip a locomotive and cars with energy-absorbing
devices for safety of the locomotive crew and passengers and a lowering the level
of vehicles accelerations and longitudi-nal compressing forces in intercar coupling
at an emergency collision between the train and an obstacle. To simu-late numerically
test collision scenarios for the passenger train and an obstacle, cars of which are
equipped with movable gapless couplers, a mathematical model for dynamics of the train
at an ultra-normal collision is improved by describing a force characteristic
of the intercar coupling, taking into account an initial tightening absorbing devices,
a function of the gapless coupler and the vehicle design as well as devices of the passenger
safety system. An improved mathematical model can be used for a numerical simulation of test
scenarios of a collision between a new-generation passenger train and an obstacle in order
to develop out the passive safety system.
ultra-normal collisions, passive safety, passenger train, couplers
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Copyright (©) 2014 Naumenko N. YE., Khizha I. YU.
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