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Journal Issues
¹ 4 (2014) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 519.95:681.3.03 Technical mechanics, 2014, 4, 94 - 101 EFFECTS OF INTERMEDIATE THERMO-MECHANICAL TREATMENT IN CREEP ON STRENGTH CHARACTERISTICS AND MICROSTRUCTURE OF AMg6M ALLOY Poshivalov V. P., Borshchevskaya D. G., Ryabchiy V. D., Telegina I. I.
The effects of the intermediate thermomechanical treatment in creep on the strength characteristics
and the microstructure of the AMg6M aluminium-magnesium alloy were studied. Mechanical tests were
carried out at 160?C and pressure of 23.3 mPa. Samples were preliminary tested in creep to about
one-half the time of their failure, and then they were subjected to the intermediate thermomechanical
treatment considering compressive and tension loads in a thermal field as well as an ultra-sonic
frequency impact. A generator was used as an impact by scanning the sample surface with a frequency
of 20 kHz using the block head of the striker. The treatment was carried out using two schemes.
In accordance with the first scheme, samples were initially endured at a tension load to about
one-half the failure time. After unloading and cooling samples were subjected to high-temperature
compressive loading and then samples were subjected to the impact treatment at an ultrasonic frequency.
Thereaf-ter samples were reloaded by an initial tension load and placed in creep to failure.
In accordance with the second schemes, after treatment with high-temperature compressive pressure
samples were annealed at T= 320? during 2 hours following by the ultrasonic frequency impact.
The analysis of the test results of samples in an initial state and after the energy treatment
presented that an intermediate plastic deformation in creep improves characteristics of a short-term
strength and the time to failure of the AMg6M alloy. The first-scheme treatment raises signifi-cantly
the time to failure in creep but reduces drastically the material plasticity. Annealing allows
a rise of the time to failure of the alloy on a relative retention of yield limit.
aluminium-magnesium alloy, self-organizational processes, life, creep, intermediate plastic deformation, high-temperature compressive load, impact ul-trasonic oscillation, annealing, removal of faults
1. McKlintok F. Deformation and Failure of Materials (in Russian) / F. McKlintok, A. Argon. – Moscow : Mir, 1970. – 443 p.
Copyright (©) 2014 Poshivalov V. P., Borshchevskaya D. G., Ryabchiy V. D., Telegina I. I. Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |