Journal Issues
No 4 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.697
Technical mechanics, 2024, 4, 3 - 9
Kvasha Yu. A., Petrushenko N. V.
Kvasha Yu. A.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Petrushenko N. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
This work is devoted to the development of approaches to the aerodynamic improvement of aircraft gas-turbine
engine inlet devices. Air intakes, which are the main components thereof, must provide a sufficiently
uniform flow at the compressor inlet. The goal of the work is to computationally assess the effect of the
shape of the air intake duct midline on nonuniformity in the distribution of the flow parameters over the
outlet cross-section.
As the basic tool, a numerical simulation of 3D turbulent gas flows on the basis of the complete averaged
Navier–Stokes equations and a two-parameter turbulence model was used. For one of the air intake
configurations for an aircraft turboprop engine, the effect of the shape of the air intake duct midline
on nonuniformity in the flow parameter distribution over the outlet cross-section was assessed. A numerical
simulation of a 3D turbulent flow in the air intake duct showed a significant effect of midline shape
variation on the coefficient of nonuniformity of the Mach number and pressure distribution over the outlet
cross-section even in the case of fixed coordinates of two chosen points of the line at the duct inlet and
outlet and a fixed direction of the line at those points. This makes it possible to reduce the coefficient
of nonuniformity by choosing an appropriate midline shape. On the whole, this work shows that the shape
of the air intake duct midline is an important factor, accounting for which allows one to reduce
nonuniformity in the flow parameter distribution at the duct inlet without going beyond the design
constraints on the air intake dimensions and flow inlet and outlet angles. The reliability of the results
is provided by the consideration of a real-life air intake design and the use of the authors’ repeatedly
verified method of numerical simulation. The results may be used in the aerodynamic improvement
of aircraft gas-turbine engine inlet devices.
air intake, duct midline, nonuniformity in flow parameter distribution, coefficient of nonuniformity, numerical simulation
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Copyright (©) 2024 Kvasha Yu. A., Petrushenko N. V.
Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics
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