Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2014) Technical mechanics
UDC 621.671:532.528
Technical mechanics, 2014, 2, 36 - 42
Dolgopolov S. V.
The paper deals with return flows at inlet of centrifugal inclined Archimedean screw pumps of liquid
rocket propulsions (LRP) affecting the LRP dynamic characteristics. At present experimental dependencies
of fluid oscillation frequencies of LRP supply lines on pump inlet pressures derived on trials with two
widely disparate lengths of supply pipes but under invariant conditions of the pump operation by a flow
rate and rotation speed of the pump shaft are being used to determine the coefficient of fluid inertia
resistance due to return flows at inlet of centrifugal Archimedean screw pumps (response rate coefficients
for return flows). The paper purpose is to de-velop a new alternative experimental and calculated technique
of determination of the response rate coefficient for return flows, based on the solution of the fluid
motion through the supply pipe with various coefficients of re-sponse rate of return flows. The unknown
value of the response rate coefficient for return flows conforms to an excellent correlation between
experimental and calculated time dependencies of the pump inlet flow rate. The dependency of the response
rate coefficient for return flows on the flow coefficient derived by the proposed tech-nique as a result
of tests of seven centrifugal inclined Archimedean screw pumps is close to an analogue depend-ency derived
earlier by another technique and experimental data. This clearly shows assurance of the results ob-tained.
inverse flows, centrifugal inclined Archimedean screw pump, liquid rocket propulsion systems, inertial coefficient of inverse flows, feed pipe
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Copyright (©) 2014 Dolgopolov S. V.
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