Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 2 (2014): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 Sound suppressors For small arms with elastic deformable structural members
Konovalov N. A., Pylypenko O. V., Skorik A. D., Kovalenko V. I., Semenchuk D. V.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 3-11
  Abstract   Article
2 Simulation of straining the plate with elastic extended inclusions based on finite element method
Gudramovich V. S., Gart E. L., Strunin K. A.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 12-23
  Abstract   Article
3 Mathematical modelling 3D oscillation of liquid launch vehicle upper stage with cruise gimbal-mounted engine
Nikolaev A. D., Khoryak N. B., Bashliy I. D., Pirog V. A., Khodorenko V. F.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 24-35
  Abstract   Article
4 Semiempirical technique for determining coefficient of liquid inertia resistance due to inverse flows at inlet of centrifugal inclined Archimedean screw pump
Dolgopolov S. V.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 36-42
  Abstract   Article
5 Analysis of use of aerodynamic systems to deorbit modular large-sized space objects from low near-earth orbits
Paliy A. S., Skorik A. D.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 43-51
  Abstract   Article
6 Methodic approach to calculations and selection of parameters of splashing system for propellant preparation
Salo M. P., Sichevoy A. V.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 52-62
  Abstract   Article
7 Simulation of interactions between rarified plasma flow and faired charged conducting cylinder near conducting surface
Lazuchenkov D. N., Lazuchenkov N. M.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 63-72
  Abstract   Article
8 Analytical solution of problem on fall of sphere the radius of which decreases from linear-fractional law
Olshansky V. P., Olshansky S. V.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 73-78
  Abstract   Article
9 Synthesis of suboptimal compensators of disturbances in form of observer of extended state vector
Khoroshilov S. B.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 79-92
  Abstract   Article
10 Dynamic simulation of closed cycles of fine grinding
Pryadko N. S.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 93-100
  Abstract   Article
11 Evaluation of vehicle motion for electrodynamic transport system with plane track on side track of turn-out
Dzenzersky V. A., Kuznetsova T. I., Radchenko N. A., Khachapuridze N. M.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 101-105
  Abstract   Article
12 Control of separation of air flow along cylinder using plasma actuators
Redchits D. A.
ТМ, 2014, № 2 , р. 106-119
  Abstract   Article

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