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Journal Issues
¹ 2 (2018) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 621.002.56 Technical mechanics, 2018, 2, 44 - 59 COMBINED USE OF RANDOM SEARCH METHODS AND GRADIENT METHODS IN THE OPTIMIZATION OF ROCKET DESIGN PARAMETERS AND CONTROL PROGRAMS DOI: Senkin V. S., Syutkina-Doronina S. V.
Senkin V. S.
The aim of this paper is to develop a methodology for optimizing, at the initial design stage,
the key characteristics of a rocket with a solid-propellant sustainer engine which can follow
a ballistic, an aeroballistic, or a combined trajectory, including the formalization of the
combined problem of simultaneous optimization of the rocket design parameters, trajectory
parameters, and flight control programs. The problem is formulated as an optimal control
problem with imposed equalities and differential constraints. The parameters to be optimized
include the rocket design parameters and the parameters of the rocket control programs in
different portions of the trajectory. The rocket control programs are proposed to be formed
in polynomial form, which allows one to reduce the optimal control problem to a nonlinear
programming problem. Optimization methods are overviewed, and random search methods are
compared with gradient ones. It is shown that at the first stage it is advisable to use a
genetic random search algorithm, which makes a quick and complete examination of the whole
of the optimal solution search space and finds the solution closest to the global optimum
of the objective functional. At the next stage, it is proposed to use a coordinate gradient
descent method in the vicinity of the solution found at the first stage to find the global
optimum of the objective functional. The proposed approach to the solution of the formulated
problem allows one to determine, to the accuracy required in design studies, the rocket flight
control programs optimal in a given class of functions and advisable values of the rocket
design parameters. The algorithms for rocket design parameter, trajectory parameter, and control
program optimization presented in this paper may be used by design organizations at the initial
design stage of rockets of different purposes.
controlled object, solid-propellant sustainer engine, initial design stage, design parameters, motion control programs, objective functional, optimization, random search methods, gradient methods
1. Tarasov V. A. Flying Vehicle Optimum Design Algorithm. Moscow: Mashinostroyeniye, 1970. 364 pp. (in Russian).
DOI: Copyright (©) 2018 Marchenko V. T., Sazina N. P., Senkin V. S., Syutkina-Doronina S. V. Copyright © 2014-2018 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |