Journal Issues
¹ 1 (2018) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.13
Technical mechanics, 2018, 1, 59 - 71
Senkin V. S.
Senkin V. S.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
This paper formulates the complex problem of co-optimization of the design parameters,
trajectory parameters, and control programs of a single-stage rocket with a solid-propellant
sustainer engine at the initial design stage. The problem is formulated as an optimal control
problem with constraints in the form of equalities and differential constraints. The parameters
to be optimized are the basic design parameters of the rocket and the trajectory parameters
that determine rocket motion control programs. In the proposed approach, the control programs
(time variation of the pitch) in different portions of the trajectory are formed as polynomials,
which reduces the optimal control problem considered to a nonlinear programming problem with
constraints in the form of equalities and differential constraints. The solution of the complex
problem formulated in this paper allows one to determine motion control programs optimal
in a given class of functions and advisable values of the rocket design parameters at the
initial design stage.
controlled rocket, mathematical model, design parameters, trajectory parameters, control program, initial design stage, solid-propellant rocket engine
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Copyright (©) 2018 Senkin V. S.
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