Journal Issues
No 4 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 533.9
Technical mechanics, 2024, 4, 52 - 62
Lazuchenkov D. N.
Lazuchenkov D. N.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
The goal of this article is to theoretically substantiate the possibility of determining the kinetic parameters of
charged particles of the ionospheric plasma by measuring the currents of an insulated probe system in the electron
saturation region.
Methods of physical modeling, numerical integration of nonlinear differential equations, measurement uncertainty
analysis, and computer modeling were used.
The probe system consists of cylindrical electrodes: a probe and a reference electrode. The ratio of the reference
electrode and the probe areas can be significantly smaller than required by the single cylindrical probe theory.
The electrodes are placed transversely in a supersonic free-molecular plasma flow.
The charged particle composition of the ionospheric plasma is modeled by positive ions of atomic oxygen and atomic
hydrogen and by electrons, which ensure plasma quasi-neutrality. Along with a mathematical model of plasma with two
ion species, a model of a one-component plasma is considered with the ion mass selected so that the ion saturation
current to the cylinder may be the same for both models. Based on an earlier asymptotic solution for the electron
saturation current in a one-component plasma, the kinetic parameters of charged particles (the ion temperature and
directed velocity and the electron temperature) were related to the measured probe currents. A numerical and an
analytical study of this relationship within the framework of the mathematical model of a plasma with two ion
species resulted in analytical expressions for determining the kinetic parameters of charged particles from the
measured currents of the insulated probe system in the electron saturation region.
The errors of the analytical expressions in determining the kinetic parameters of a plasma with two ion species
were estimated numerically and analytically as a function of the probe system’s electrode area ratio and the probe
current measurement accuracy.
The ranges of the probe system parameters that maximize the measurement reliability in the ionospheric conditions
were determined.
collisionless plasma, probe system with cylindrical electrodes, plasma models with one and two ion species,
mathematical models of current collection, directed velocity of ions, temperatures of charged particles
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