Journal Issues
No 3 (2020) Technical mechanics
UDC 539.3
Technical mechanics, 2020, 3, 64 - 78
Avramov K. V., Sakhno N. H., Uspensky B. V.
Avramov K. V.
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
A. Pidgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems
Sakhno N. H.
National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
Uspensky B. V.
A. Pidgorny Institute of Mechanical Engineering Problems
This work is devoted to the study of transient processes occurring in a nanocomposite shell with a ring
stiffener under the action of an impact load. Nanocomposites are promising new materials for the
aerospace industry. However, the analysis of dynamic processes in nanocomposite structures requires
the development of new methods due to the anisotropic, functional-gradient nature of these materials.
The problem is further complicated if a composed structure is to be analyzed.
This paper proposes a model of deformation of a functionally graded composite conical shell reinforced
with carbon nanotubes with an isotropic ring stiffener. The deformation of the functionally graded
nanocomposite conical shell is described by Reddy’s high-order shear theory, and the deformation of the
ring stiffener is described by the Euler–Bernoulli hypotheses. The Rayleigh–Ritz method is used to study
the natural vibrations of the composite structure. The main variables are the displacements and angles
of rotation of the conical shell.
A mathematical model of the transient response of the structure under the action of an impact load
is obtained in the form of a linear dynamic system in generalized coordinates. To obtain this system,
the prescribed form method is used.
Numerical studies of the free dynamics and transient response of a nanocomposite conical shell with an
isotropic ring stiffener of rectangular section under the action of an impact load were carried out.
The results of the numerical modeling of the transient process in the shell showed a close agreement
with the results of finite element modeling in the ANSYS package.
The effect of the ring stiffener on the amplitudes of the transient response of the nanocomposite shell
is investigated. It is shown that the ring-stiffener significantly reduces the amplitude of the
transient response of the composite conical shell when it is subjected to an impact load. The proposed
method and the conclusions drawn may be used in the aerospace industry in the design of nanocomposite
units for multistage launch vehicles.
functionally graded nanocomposite, prescribed form method, linear dynamic system, transient response, compound shell
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Copyright (©) 2020 Avramov K. V., Sakhno N. H., Uspensky B. V.
Copyright © 2014-2020 Technical mechanics
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