Journal Issues
No 2 (2024) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 629.4.015 Technical mechanics, 2024, 2, 106 - 111 RIDE PERFORMANCE OF AN ARTICULATED PASSENGER TRAIN DOI: Kovtun H. M., Maliy V. V., Markova O. M.
Kovtun H. M.
The importance of this work stems from the need for renewing the home rolling stock and integrating it into
the European market of transport services. The introduction of speedy train operation calls for increased
attention to theoretical studies aimed at ride performance improvement. The analysis of passenger traffic
safety for home and European tracks of different and geometries calls for assessing the ride performance
of passenger trains. In doing so, steady and transient traffic conditions must be considered. This
approach to theoretical studies allows one to improve the safety indices of speedy passenger trains. This
paper presents the results of theoretical evaluation of the ride performance of an articulated and a
standard passenger train. The cars of both trains are equipped with wheels of different profiles used on
the Ukrainian and European railways. An assessment of the predicted dynamic performance of the articulated
passenger train shows that its cars demonstrate a better ride performance, thus improving passenger comfort
and train operating safety throughout the allowable speed range in normal conditions. It is undesirable for
such trains to move in curves of small and medium radius. In addition, the articulated train cost is lower
than the traditional train one because of a lower number of trucks. The ride performance is also assessed
for cars whose wheels are compatible with different rail profiles, which allows them to be used both on the
Ukrainian and on the European railways. As shown by calculations, the universal wear-resistant wheel profile
does not impair the car ride performance of the trains considered. better ride performance.
articulated passenger train, train operating safety, ride performance
1. Markova O., Kovtun H., Maliy V. Mathematical modeling of articulated passenger train spatial vibrations. Teh. Meh. 2021. No. 2. Pp. 91 - 99.
Copyright (©) 2024 Kovtun H. M., Maliy V. V., Markova O. M. Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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