Journal Issues
No 3 (2020) Technical mechanics
UDC 629.7
Technical mechanics, 2020, 3, 91 - 98
Pasichnyk S. S., Bezrukavyi N. V.
Pasichnyk S. S.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Bezrukavyi N. V.
Institute of Technical Mechanics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and the State Space Agency of Ukraine
Although a large number of truck models have been put into service on the 1520 mm gage railways over the past
ten years, the problem of an insufficient shear stiffness of a freight car truck still remains topical. This
problem is a consequence of attempts to keep a sufficient degree of unification of new truck models with
the 18-100 truck because this greatly simplifies the introduction of new trucks and allows one to make the
best use of the existing maintenance and repair infrastructure. However, this also results in that new designs
inherit many drawbacks of the 18-100 truck. One of its critical drawbacks is a low connectedness
in a horizontal plane, which reduces the critical speed and increases truck component wear. A solution to this
problem may be an auxiliary stiffening frame. This paper presents a new design of an auxiliary stiffening frame
for the 18-100 truck. The design increases the truck shear stiffness, thus improving freight car dynamic
performance and service life.
Mathematical simulation, oscillation theory, and elasticity theory methods were used to design an auxiliary
stiffening frame installable between the 18-100 truck side frames without any significant changes in the freight
car basic design. The physical and mechanical properties of the auxiliary stiffening frame’s structural materials
were selected. Loads on the auxiliary stiffening frame were determined and then used in the calculation
of the stresses that develop therein in motion. It was found that the proposed auxiliary stiffening frame
with resilient polyurethane inserts increases the truck shear stiffness by 0.5 MN/m.
The proposed improved design of the 18-100 truck increases its shear stiffness, improves freight car dynamic
and operational performance, and reduces truck component wear. Besides, the auxiliary stiffening frame is simple
in design. Because of this, its introduction will bring considerable economic benefits.
freight car, truck, freight car truck shear stiffness
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Copyright (©) 2020 Pasichnyk S. S., Bezrukavyi N. V.
Copyright © 2014-2020 Technical mechanics
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