Journal Issues
¹ 1 (2017) Technical mechanics
UDC 539.312
Technical mechanics, 2017, 1, 91 - 99
V. I. Pozhuev, A. V. Fasolyak
V. I. Pozhuev
Zaporozhie National Technical University
A. V. Fasolyak
Zaporozhie National Technical University
Attention focusses on the study of a dynamic stressed-strained state of the linear-elastic isotropic homoge- neous half-space, which contains the cylindrical cavity supported by a thin elastic shell, under the action of dynamic
asymmetrical surface loads. The case, when the shell axis is perpendicular to the plane, which limits the
half-space, is considered. The work goal is to study cross coupling the shell and a free surface of the half-space
affected by non-stationary surface loads. The action of two types of asymmetrical surface loads is studied: the first
load acts along the inner surface portion of the shell and the second load acts along the half-space surface portion.
In both cases, loads depend on time as the unit Heaviside function. Up to now, the dynamic problems for shells in
an elastic space have been considered only for an unlimited space, and the effects of a vertical plane supported by
the shell have been omitted. Novelty in science is the consideration of cross coupling the shell and the free surface of the elastic half-space affected by dynamic surface loads. The finite element method has been applied to the
study of the stressed-strained state of the mechanical system under consideration. The results obtained are graphically
illustrated and analyzed.
elastic half-space, thin cylindrical shell, asymmetrical dynamic problem,
finite-element analysis.
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11. Pozhuev V. I., Pozhuev A. V., Fasolyak. Non-stationary deformation of cylindrical shell through elastic half-space with free surface. Novi Materialy i Tekhnologii v Metalurgii ta Mashinobuduvanni. 2016. No. 1. Pp. 119-126. (in Ukrainian).
Copyright (©) 2017 V. I. Pozhuev, A. V. Fasolyak
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