Journal Issues
No 4 (2024) Technical mechanics
___________________________________________________ UDC 621.454.3 Technical mechanics, 2024, 4, 10 - 16 DEVELOPMENT OF AN APPROACH TO MATHEMATICAL SIMULATION OF DYNAMIC PROCESSES IN A SOLID-PROPELLANT ROCKET ENGINE DOI: Dolgopolov S. I., Nikolayev O. D.
Dolgopolov S. I.
Working processes in the combustion chamber of a solid-propellant rocket engine (SPRE) are accompanied
by a number of physical phenomena and effects, which are extremely complex and varied. In certain
conditions, a complex SPRE working medium flow may be represented as a 1D axial flow, which is described
by 1D ordinary differential equations of motion, momentum, and energy. To solve them, difference
schemes are usually used. The goal of this work is to develop an approach to mathematical simulation
of SPRE dynamic without recourse to traditional difference schemes. This paper presents a nonlinear
mathematical model of SPRE working processes in the approximation of a 1D working medium flow and with
account for its interaction with the SPRE structure. To solve the system of partial differential
equations, the following methodological approach was proposed. The SPRE charge was divided into
n sections, whose number was chosen to describe given acoustic modes of gas oscillations in the
longitudinal direction. By replacing the spatial derivatives with difference quotients, the system
of partial differential equations was reduced to a system of ordinary differential equations. The
proposed approach was verified using a model SPRE. The simulation results showed the workability of the
proposed approach and the stability of the numerical integration process at the adopted integration
steps. The calculated time dependence of the pressure and the working medium discharge rate is in
satisfactory agreement with the static characteristics. In this rocket model, accounting for the
interaction of the SPRE working processes with the SPRE structure did not result in any significant
change in the former because the acoustic frequencies of the working medium differ significantly from
the longitudinal vibration frequencies of the rocket structure.
solid-propellant rocket engine, mathematical simulation, partial differential equation, difference scheme, ordinary differential equation
1. Erokhin B. T. Theoretical Foundations of Solid-Propellant Rocket Engine Design. Moscow: Mashinostroyeniye, 1982. 206 pp. (in Russian).
Copyright (©) 2024 Dolgopolov S. I., Nikolayev O. D. Copyright © 2014-2024 Technical mechanics ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ |
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