Journal Issues
¹ 1 (2017) Technical mechanics
UDC 621.396.4
Technical mechanics, 2017, 1, 40 - 46
YE. N. Tachinina
YE. N. Tachinina
National Aviation University
The paper deals with the determination of the conditions for constructing an optimal launch trajectory for
the nanosatellite constellation injected by the aerospace system. These conditions satisfy both the main and alter- native requirements for optimal trajectories, as well as use efficiently the power resources of an integrated dy- namic system. The methods of mathematical modeling, variation calculations, optimal control, and numerical
integration are applied.
The paper proposes the method for building the optimal trajectories of an integrated dynamic system. It in- cludes the enhancing concept applied to not only the optimization criterion and the phase state vector of a launch
vehicle, but to limitations imposed on the trajectories of the separated head rockets as well. This method satisfies
both the basic and alternate requirements for optimal trajectories.
It is concluded that the proposed method allows replacing the initial problem of the complex-limitations optimization
with other simpler problem wherein cross couplings are excluded. In this case, the solution of this
problem satisfies given requirements and coincides with the solution of the initial problem.
integrated dynamic system, optimization, trajectory, nanosatellites.
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