Journal Issues
No 2 (2024) Technical mechanics
UDC 519.2
Technical mechanics, 2024, 2, 76 - 91
Hladkyi E. H., Perlyk V. I.
Hladkyi E. H.
M. K. Yangel Pivdenne State Design Office
Perlyk V. I.
M. K. Yangel Pivdenne State Design Office
Many practical problems call for constructing the maximum interpoint distance distribution for random
pints in a plane. In the literature, the case of a great number of points is considered, for which
an asymptotic distribution is determined. This paper addresses the problem of constructing the maximum
interpoint distance distribution for a small number of random points in a plane whose coordinates are
independent random quantities that obey the standard normal distribution. The special case of three
random points in a plane is considered as the basic one, for which three ways to construct the maximum
interpoint distance distribution are studied.
The first way is to construct the distribution function from geometrical considerations. To do this,
the loci of three points are considered from the condition that the maximum distance between them
shall not exceed a certain value. The position of the third point in the plane is determined relative
to the two other points: the leftmost and the lowermost one. In this case, the construction of the
distribution function involves the successive evaluation of several integrals using numerical methods.
The obtained results are in good agreement with those of statistical simulation.
The second way is based on studying the distance between pairs of random normal points in a plane.
Taken separately, the distances between each pair of random normal points obey one-dimensional Rayleigh
distributions, but in the aggregate they prove to be correlated because they are determined from the
same pint coordinates. A joint distribution of the squared distances between three points is constructed
using the three-dimensional Moran-Downton distribution. Using it, a distribution function of the squared
maximum distance between three random normal points, which is identical with the maximum interpoint
distance distribution, is obtained. It is found that for small values it underestimates the actual
probability of the maximum distance not exceeding a certain value. For great distance values, the above
probabilities coincide.
The third way uses the Rice distribution (a generalization of the Rayleigh distribution) to approximate
the unknown maximum interpoint distance distribution for three random normal points in a plane. The Rice
distribution parameters found by the least-squares method are in good agreement with those obtained by
statistical simulation.
The results for three random normal points are generalized to a greater number of points (up to 30). It
is shown that in this case the third way is most efficient.
random points in a plane, maximum interpoint distance, distribution function, Moran–Downton distribution, Rice distribution
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Copyright (©) 2024 Hladkyi E. H., Perlyk V. I.
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