Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > No 4 (2021): TECHNICAL MECHANICS


Table of Contents

1 For the 80th birth anniversary of Anatolii P. Alpatov, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 3 - 6
  Abstract   Article
2 Procedure for determining the effect of internal and external factors on the startup thrust spread of a liquid-propellant rocket engine
Pylypenko O. V., Dolgopolov S. I., Khoriak N. V., Nikolayev O. D.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 7 - 17
  Abstract   Article
3 Compact silencers with discrete baffle elements for new-generation light small arms
Pylypenko O. V., Konovalov N. A., Kovalenko V. I., Semenchuk D. V.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 3 , ð. 18 - 28
  Abstract   Article
4 Use of a “green” propellant in low-thrust control jet engine systems
Timoshenko V. I., Patryliak L. K., Knyshenko Yu. V., Durachenko V. M., Dolinkevych A. S.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 29 - 43
  Abstract   Article
5 Minimum altitude variation orbits. Analysis of characteristics and stability
Maslova À. I., Pirozhenko A. V., Vasyl³ev V. V.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 44 - 55
  Abstract   Article
6 Modeling of centrifugal deployment of three-section minisatellite boom
Khoroshylov S. V., Shamakhanov V. K., Vasyliev V. V.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 56 - 65
  Abstract   Article
7 Mathematical model for determining the design parameters of an inflatable payload-bearing space platform
Lapkhanov E. A., Palii O. S.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 66 - 78
  Abstract   Article
8 Analysis of the efficiency of Earth remote sensing means
Khorolskyi P. P., Marchenko V. T., Sazina N. P.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 79 - 88
  Abstract   Article
9 Adaptation of gas-dynamic characteristic arrays to automated ballistics support of spacecraft flight
Smila T. H., Pecherytsia L. L.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 89 - 103
  Abstract   Article
10 Nonlinear oscillations of a sandwich plate with a 3D-printed honeycomb core
Avramov K. V., Uspensky B. V., Derevianko I. I.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 104 - 117
  Abstract   Article
11 Determination of the force characteristic of head car’s passive safety system – large road vehicle interaction in a collision
Sobolevska M. B., Horobets D. V., Syrota S. A.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 118 - 128
  Abstract   Article
12 Refinement of the rail–wheel contact pair to improve rail–wheel interaction conditions for railway vehicles with an increased axle load
Mokrii T. F., Malysheva I. Yu., Bezrukavyi N. V., Ladyhin I. M.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 129 - 136
  Abstract   Article
13 Gas mass flow control in jet equipment
Pryadko N. S., Yhnatev A. D., Shevelova H. M., Ternova K. V.
ÒÌ, 2021, No 4 , ð. 137 - 149
  Abstract   Article
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