Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 3 (2015): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 Methodological approach to technical and economic feasibility of projects for new space technology products
Alpatov A. P., Marchenko V. T., Sazina N. P., Khorolsky P. P.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 3-17
  Abstract   Article
2 Methodological approach to technical and economic feasibility of projects for new space technology products
Senkin V. S.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 18-29
  Abstract   Article
3 Effects of nonlinear characteristics of bellows on parameters of cavitation self-oscillation under combined longitudinal oscillation of line structure and fluid
Dolgopolov C. I.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 30-38
  Abstract   Article
4 Utility of stochastic methods in solution of problems of aerodynamic optimization of gas-turbine engine compressor cascade shape
Melashich S. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 39-45
  Abstract   Article
5 Optimal trajectories of spacecraft undergoing discontinuous changes in its parameters
Komarov V. G.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 46-53
  Abstract   Article
6 Bayesian model of statistical assessment of reliability index of technical system based on results of tests with improvements
Gladkiy E. D.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 54-67
  Abstract   Article
7 Oscillation of anisotropic stiffened cylindrical shell with flowing fluid loaded by axial compressive force
Iskanderov R. A., Mousavi Moulai S.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 68-74
  Abstract   Article
8 Regularities of deformation of elastic massifs
Badalakha I. K.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 75-84
  Abstract   Article
9 Levitation motion stability of the vehicle of electrodynamic transportation system with flat track
Radchenko N. A., Voroshilov A. S., Zvonareva. O. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 85-91
  Abstract   Article
10 Studies of influence of raihead profiles on dynamics of freight car running on curved track
Bezrukavyi N. V.
ТМ, 2015, № 3 , р. 92-99
  Abstract   Article

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