Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 1 (2016): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 Special features of deceleration of a supersonic flow through convergent channel
Timoshenko V. I., Deshko A. Ye.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 3-10
  Abstract   Article
2 Synthesis of observer of extended state vector considering requirements for closed loop of control given in frequency domain
Khoroshilov S. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 11-25
  Abstract   Article
3 Computations of contactless effects on space debris object using its known contour
Savchuk A. P., Fokov A. A., Khoroshilov S. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 26-37
  Abstract   Article
4 Selection of parameters of solid retrorocket engine for spacecraft deorbiting
Senkin V. S.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 38-50
  Abstract   Article
5 Thrust-control for liquid rocket engine of space stage of launch vehicle in case of mass asymmetry
Kovalenko T. A., Kovalenko G. N., Sirotkina N. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 51-59
  Abstract   Article
6 Assessment of demand of national market for information on Earth remote sensing
Astapenko V. N., Marchenko V. T., Sazina N. P., Khorolsky P. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 60-73
  Abstract   Article
7 Mathematical formulation of problem on optimization of motion of group of quadrotor helicopters
Lysenko V. N., Chumachenko S. N., Tachinina Ye. N.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 74-82
  Abstract   Article
8 Fire in threshing room of grain harvester: simulation of fire development and suppression with dispersed water
Bondar M. A., Kremena A. P., Sviridenko N. F.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 83-94
  Abstract   Article
9 Numerical simulation of axially symmetric flow around bodies of simple configurations using hierarchy grids
Pecheritsa L. L., Smelaya T. G.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 95-102
  Abstract   Article
10 Control of status of welded joints of structural members of transport machines
Leonets V. A., Lukashevych A. О.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 103-109
  Abstract   Article
11 Estimation of braking distances of electric train for emergency pneumatic and electric-pneumatic braking
Naumenko N. Ye., Khizha I. Yu., Bogomaz Ye. G.
ТМ, 2016, № 1 , р. 110-117
  Abstract   Article

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