Technical Mechanics
ISSN 1561-9184 (Print), ISSN 2616-6380 (Online)

Home > Archives > № 2 (2016): TECHNICAL MECHANICS

Table of Contents

1 On the 80th anniversary of Corresponding Member of NASU Viktor Fedorovich Ushkalov
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 3-6
  Abstract   Article
2 Sound suppressor with periphery labyrinth-vortex profile for diverting gases
Pylypenko O.V., Konovalov N. A., Kovalenko V. I., Semenchuk D. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 7-15
  Abstract   Article
3 Considering dissipative forces for mathematical modeling longitudinal vibrations of liquid launch vehicle body
Nikolaev A. D., Khoryak N. V., Serenko V. A., Klimenko D. V., Khodorenko V. F., Bashliy I. D.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 16-31
  Abstract   Article
4 Active flight control for launch vehicle; a new approach and rational ways for its realization
Gorbuntsov V. V., Zavoloka A. N., Sviridenko N. F.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 32-43
  Abstract   Article
5 Computations of cooler discharge from heat-stressed channels
Tokareva Ye. L.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 44-54
  Abstract   Article
6 On the aerodynamic optimization of impellers of supersonic compressor stages
HKvasha Yu. A., Zinevich N. A.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 55-63
  Abstract   Article
7 Numerical simulation of axisymmetric flow past extended compound body using test particles method with hierarchic grids
Pecheritsa L. L., Smelaya T. G.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 64-70
  Abstract   Article
8 Stability of free surface of viscous ferrofliud layer exposed to variable magnetic field and mechanical vibrations
Patsegon N. F., Potseluev S. I.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 71-84
  Abstract   Article
9 Determination of content and level of forces affecting a side frame cantilever part in operation of freight car
Ushkalov V. F., Bezrukavyi N. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 85-90
  Abstract   Article
10 Full-scale tests of prototype of energy-absorbing device for passive protection of locomotive at collision
Sobolevskaya M. B., Sirota S. A., Gorobets D. V., Telichko I. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 91-105
  Abstract   Article
11 Building a polyharmonic model of horizontal components of input disturbances for studying dy-namics of freight cars
Lapina L. G.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 106-112
  Abstract   Article
12 Estimated stability of magnetically levitated motion of transportation superconducting-magnet system vehicle along a plane track structure
Dzenzersky V. A., Kuznetsova T. I., Radchenko N. A., Khachapuridze N. M.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 113-117
  Abstract   Article
13 Qualitative assessment of mechanical fixation of metatarsal after the chevron corrective osteotomy in Hallux Valgus
Gorobets D. V., Naumenko A. N.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 118-122
  Abstract   Article
14 Studies of primary microwave frequency converters based on the measuring cell with rectangular window
Doronin A. V., Grimalyuk I. V.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 123-127
  Abstract   Article
15 Effects of high-speed cooling on physical and mechanical properties of AMg6 aluminum alloy after high-temperature heating
Kuzmitskaya A. I., Zhdanov V. S., Poshivalov V. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 128-136
  Abstract   Article
16 On the method of simulation of uncertainties of technical and economical data for problems of evaluation of research projects
Marchenko V. T., Syutkina-Doronina S. V., Sazina N. P.
ТМ, 2016, № 2 , р. 137-146
  Abstract   Article

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